How Financial Advisors & Planners can attract clients with content and email marketing

May 22, 2024

A few weeks ago, we discussed how Financial Advisors, Planners, and Investment Managers can get started with engaging their prospective clients on social media

If you are ready to start creating your own content to share, this article will provide you with first steps. The goal here is to keep it simple and actionable. Baby steps to start, and then you can expand when it makes sense. 


Content marketing


Content Marketing involves creating and sharing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and engage your target audience. It’s an effective way to build trust, demonstrate expertise, and generate leads.

Today’s consumers are online absorbing content practically 24/7. Creating content allows you to be present where your audience is already spending their time. If you’re not there, someone else will be there to attract their attention. It’s not necessarily about competing for attention, but making your content — and yourself — present in a valuable way. 

“Content” is a massive umbrella so today we will be focusing on email content, with other resources on content to come in future articles. 


The most basic 5-step framework to begin creating emails for your existing client and prospect list is available here. I would suggest starting here, and then moving to the steps below once you have achieved the initial steps. 


Those are the absolute most basic steps to getting started. Once you achieve that, once you have a consistent process for creating and distributing quality content via email, all the steps to scaling will be easier.

Many people make a lot of mistakes when it comes to creating content. They do it for the wrong reasons. They expect an immediate and obvious return on investment. They think that quantity is more important than quality. Content takes time, but as long as you start with the primary objective of providing value to your clients, you can’t go wrong.


The Financial Advisor's Marketing Guide - free download

This blog is a small part of Chapter 4 in this Advisor’s Marketing Guide.


Email Marketing

Once you have achieved the initial stages, the 5-step process provided above, you will be ready to scale your efforts by building and growing your email list. 


Starting Your Email List


Choose an email marketing platform:


Email marketing platforms provide tools for creating and sending email campaigns. They also offer analytics to measure the success of your email marketing efforts. Personalize emails to target specific client segments with relevant content. 

Select a reputable email marketing platform that complies with Canadian data protection laws (e.g., Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation – CASL). 


Here are five email marketing platforms widely used for small businesses in Canada:


  1. Mailchimp: Mailchimp is a popular and user-friendly email marketing platform known for its drag-and-drop email builder and a wide range of templates. It offers marketing automation, A/B testing, and robust analytics. Mailchimp provides a free plan with limited features and paid plans to suit various needs.
  2. Constant Contact: Constant Contact is a user-friendly email marketing platform designed for small businesses. It offers customizable templates, list management, automation, and integration with e-commerce platforms. They also provide in-depth reporting and analytics.
  3. GetResponse: GetResponse is a versatile email marketing platform with a user-friendly interface. It offers email marketing, marketing automation, landing pages, webinars, and e-commerce tools. GetResponse is suitable for businesses looking to create comprehensive marketing campaigns.
  4. ConvertKit: ConvertKit is designed for content creators, bloggers, and small businesses looking to build and nurture their email lists. It provides automation tools, customizable forms, and subscriber segmentation. ConvertKit is known for its simplicity and focus on user engagement.
  5. AWeber: AWeber is an email marketing platform with a long history and a reputation for reliability. It offers email automation, customizable sign-up forms, and a variety of integrations. AWeber is suitable for businesses of all sizes, with a strong focus on small businesses.


These platforms offer a mix of features, pricing plans, and user-friendliness. Advisors should select an email marketing platform that aligns with their specific needs, budget, and goals. Many of these platforms offer free trials or free plans with limited features, allowing business owners to try them out before committing to a paid subscription.



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Growing Your Email List

Once you’ve selected an email marketing platform, it’s time to focus on growing that list. You will want to segment, at minimum, for clients and prospects. This section assumes you have mastered the previous 5-step process and are already sending out regular content to your existing clients

Here is how you can grow your email list with prospective clients:

Create a Lead Magnet:

Develop a valuable and relevant lead magnet to entice visitors to subscribe. This could be a free ebook, financial planning guide, or access to exclusive content. Make sure it addresses the needs and interests of your target audience. This will be covered in-depth in the following section. 


Opt-in form on your website:

Place an opt-in form prominently on your website. The form should be easy to find, and the language should clearly communicate the benefits of subscribing. Consider using pop-ups, slide-ins, or static forms on key pages. The opt-in form comes directly from your email marketing platform. This process is covered in the following Lead Magnet section as well.


this is an example of an opt-in for financial advisors

This is the Snap opt-in for our financial planning blog.



Leverage landing pages:

Create dedicated landing pages for specific lead magnets or promotions. These pages should focus on convincing visitors to subscribe and provide their contact information.


Offer exclusive content:

Promise exclusive content or early access to important financial insights to subscribers. Make it clear why joining your email list will benefit them.


Promote on Social Media:

Use your social media channels to promote your lead magnet and encourage followers to subscribe to your email list. Run targeted ads to reach a wider audience. (See Chapter 3, Getting started with paid ads)


Collaborate with partners:

Partner with other businesses or professionals in the financial industry to cross-promote each other’s content and services. This can expand your reach and attract new subscribers.


Host webinars or workshops:

Host online webinars or in-person workshops on relevant financial topics. Require registration, and collect email addresses from participants. Ask registrants to bring family members. 


Networking events:

Attend local business and networking events. Collect business cards or use a tablet or smartphone to allow people to sign up for your newsletter directly. The Blinq app is a great digital business card, and you can also use Canva to create a QR code that connects to any website. Follow up after the event with a confirmation note and additional valuable content.


Offer free consultations:

Promote free initial consultations and require visitors to provide their email addresses when scheduling. This not only grows your list but also identifies potential clients.


The Financial Advisor's Marketing Guide - free download

This blog is a small part of Chapter 4 in this Advisor’s Marketing Guide.



Run Contests or giveaways:

Organize contests or giveaways with the condition that participants subscribe to your email list. Ensure that the prize is attractive to your target audience. This suggestion comes with a warning as it can be tricky to come up with ideas that will only attract your target audience. There is no value in casting too wide a net and getting people onto your list that are not ideal clients. 


Optimize your website for conversions:

Continuously optimize your website for conversions. Test different call-to-action buttons, wording, and placement to maximize the number of visitors who subscribe.


Encourage referrals:

Implement a referral program where existing subscribers can refer others to join your email list. Offer incentives such as exclusive content.


Segment your list:

As your list grows, segment it based on demographics, interests, or engagement levels. This allows you to send targeted and personalized content, increasing the chances of conversion. For example, think about Life Events. You can create valuable content around various life events to engage with clients and provide relevant guidance. 


Regularly provide value:

Consistently deliver valuable content to your subscribers. This not only helps retain existing subscribers but can also encourage them to share your content, expanding your reach.

Remember to comply with all relevant regulations, including CASL, and respect the privacy and preferences of your subscribers. Building an email list is an ongoing process, so continuously evaluate and refine your strategies based on the performance of your campaigns.


Next week, we will share some content ideas that have proven to be effective ways to connect with clients and prospects. 


Canadian Financial Advisors, Planners, and Investment Managers are eligible to start a 14-day Free Trial of Snap. Snap Projections provides transparent, easy-to-use, and highly flexible financial planning software for Advisors. 

This article is a small piece from Chapter 4, The Advisor’s Guide to building an online presence, creating quality content, and leveraging email marketing.

The Financial Advisor's Marketing Guide


The Financial Advisor’s Marketing Guide

Learn how to build an online presence, create and share valuable content, and engage with prospects and clients through email marketing.