Advisors are saving time & making clients happy with the SnapShot, a one-page financial plan report
On July 23, 2024, the team at Snap hosted this CE-accredited financial planning webinar that had 370 Financial Advisors & Planners register to attend. Live attendance was required to be eligible for the CE Credit. You can watch the replay here. ...Advisor Interview: Practice Management & Growth Tips from a top Canadian Financial Planner
On June 25, 2024, we sat down with Snap user Adam Bornn, CFP, CLU to discuss what practice management and practice growth strategies have been effective. Adam has been dedicated to clients looking to build financial, retirement, and estate plans since 2006. After...Advisors: it’s 2024, how would you approach updating a plan from 2019?
When an existing Advisory client becomes unengaged, how can you reconnect? This is a challenge Advisors are dealing with on a regular basis but Advisors using Snap have shared with us how they use the financial planning software as a tool to reconnect with disengaged...What makes financial planning software good?
What makes retirement projections software good?
If you are like me, when you evaluate new software you are looking for specific features. You wonder: “How will this software take care of “X”? Or, “Can it help me with “Y”.
Before you even try new software, you want to know right away: “Is this software going to solve my problem?” Or, in other words, “If I use this software, will my problem go away?”.
When we set out to develop modern retirement projections software, we didn’t know what would make it good. So, we asked our customers.