On June 25, 2024, we sat down with Snap user Adam Bornn, CFP, CLU to discuss what practice management and practice growth strategies have been effective. Adam has been dedicated to clients looking to build financial, retirement, and estate plans since 2006. After...
If you want make practice growth easier, it’s time to start growing your email list with a Lead Magnet. Sending out regular emails of high quality content is a great way to stay engaged with current clients and to expand relationships. But how can you...
In your basic 5-step process to start creating and sending out content via emails to your existing clients, we covered sending out a newsletter-style email on a regular schedule. Now, we can build on this idea once that has been established. Sending out timely and...
New client acquisition for Financial Advisors & Planners can be extremely challenging at times. Early on in your career, the challenges can be enormous. There are many factors that come into play. Challenges that impact both new and experienced Financial Advisors...
We recently conducted a survey of Snap users and uncovered the three top business driving activities Financial Advisors, Planners, and Investment Managers are conducting with Snap’s financial planning software. When we asked Snap users the question, “what...